”過剰担保”のない完璧なStableCoin!?クリプト訪ねて三千里:第375話 Lien



A self-regulating protocol for creating unique derivative contracts

DeFi JapanのTelegramグループに突如出てきたLienが今DeFi界隈に衝撃を与えています。



4月2日現在、まだサービス自体は利用できませんが、商品ラインを見てみると、まずはCall Optionを3種類提供する模様。(自分好みのOptionもカスタム可能ということなので、Putは自分で作れということでしょうか?)




”On the other hand, there are risk-hedgers who would like to use cryptocurrency only if the price was stable. Here, one way to improve the situation would be to have the risk-takers insure exchange-rate risk through a derivative contract, which the risk-hedgers can buy to mitigate the risk associated with price volatility” (Whitepaper 2pより抜粋)






”We construct the stable coin system in two steps. First, we introduce a class of derivatives, the Solid Bond Token (SBT) and Liquid Bond Token (LBT). These two tokens are generated by splitting, or “tranching,” Ether. (Whitepaper 3pより抜粋)


ユーザーがEthをLienにロックする際に2つのトークンが生成されます。Solid Bond Token(SBT)とLiquid Bond Token(LBT)。この2つのトークンはEthを”トランシェ(分割)”することで生成。


On the maturity date, the derivative contract (a smart contract deployed on Ethereum) returns a fixed dollar amount to the SBT holder (whenever possible) and returns the remaining amount (if any) to the LBT holder. (Whitepaper 3pより抜粋)




As you can see, (almost) all the exchange-rate risk will be assumed by the LBT holder, minimizing the volatility of SBT. Second, we construct a basket of SBTs with various maturity dates and develop the iDOL token as a stable coin backed by the basket. Anyone can “sell” (deposit) SBTs to an iDOL contract and receive the corresponding iDOL tokens. (Whitepaper 3pより抜粋)




The token holders can also spend their iDOL tokens to “buy” (redeem) SBTs. The amount of the iDOL tokens issued by the iDOL contract is adjusted to the value of the SBTs held by the iDOL contract. Whitepaper 3pより抜粋)




iDOL is a representative money in the sense that its value is backed by a basket of SBTs held by the iDOL contract. The value of each SBT remains stable as it is part of “senior tranches” within the system and (almost) all the price volatility of ETH is absorbed by the LBT which is paired to the SBT. In this way, a fiat exchange rate of the iDOL token is kept stable.”(Whitepaper 3pより抜粋)
















・出資ラウンド(2020/4現在): –


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